Forum 12. SS-Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend
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Forum 12. SS-Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend
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Forum 12. SS-Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend
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Forum 12. SS-Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend

Geschichte der 12. SS-Panzer-Divsion Hitlerjugend. Forum dedicated to the History of the 12th SS-Panzerdivision Hitlerjugend. Historical and Education Purposes.

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1IMPORTANT!!!! DATABASE!!!! Empty IMPORTANT!!!! DATABASE!!!! August 8th 2012, 07:45

Bart Wolfgang

Bart Wolfgang
Forum Staff

I am currently making a big personnel database of all my research on the 12. SS-Panzer-Division "Hitlerjugend" and willingly to make it public! I performed some years of research to the Division and when time permits I still do. I am currently building it up on another Forum (not here on due it is a free forum and due I have fear someday i will get hosting problems or will be hacked or etc.. I am choosing not to build it here). The files (a Thread per Soldat = (Thread "File")) will be continuously updated. Due I copy most straight of my Access database It is hard to copy everything over in the file due technical problems, so I need to correct everything each time. I've thousands of names (including unit/death/medals...).

Please do not copy it ! Have respect for the research I have done and the amount of money I did put in it !

Currently I managed to build Database "A"

Abels - Axmann:

I am building "B" now (B: Bacholke - Butz):

You are all free to help me out with information, documents, photographs etc. Everything will be posted in the individual file - so all will be accessible!

2IMPORTANT!!!! DATABASE!!!! Empty Re: IMPORTANT!!!! DATABASE!!!! August 14th 2012, 08:12

Bart Wolfgang

Bart Wolfgang
Forum Staff

3IMPORTANT!!!! DATABASE!!!! Empty Re: IMPORTANT!!!! DATABASE!!!! August 15th 2012, 01:11



Error in the Berlin's page, year of birth is 1914 instead of 1924.

4IMPORTANT!!!! DATABASE!!!! Empty Re: IMPORTANT!!!! DATABASE!!!! August 15th 2012, 02:15

Bart Wolfgang

Bart Wolfgang
Forum Staff

Thanks, Corrected it .

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