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Forum 12. SS-Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend

Geschichte der 12. SS-Panzer-Divsion Hitlerjugend. Forum dedicated to the History of the 12th SS-Panzerdivision Hitlerjugend. Historical and Education Purposes.

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Flakzug/ SS-Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 12

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1Flakzug/ SS-Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 12 Empty Flakzug/ SS-Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 12 November 18th 2011, 00:41

Bart Wolfgang

Bart Wolfgang
Forum Staff

With which Flak was the Flakzug of SS-Panzer-Artillerie-Regiment 12 equipped?

Many thanks in advance

j keenan

4 x SdKfz 7/1 Quad 2cm Flakwagons

Bart Wolfgang

Bart Wolfgang
Forum Staff

j keenan wrote:4 x SdKfz 7/1 Quad 2cm Flakwagons




Flak-Zugführer was Oberscharführer Max Anger



As far as I know the SS-PzArtRgt 12 had two Flakzüge (each with two SdKfz 7/1).
Zugführer I.Zug: Ustuf. Max Anger (promotion date 30.01.1944)
Zugführer II.Zug: Hscha. Schulz
SS-PzArtRgt 12 had got three more 2cm Flak 38 on 07.08.1944.
After the 20.08.1944, the brake out of the Falaise pocket, all SdKfz 7/1 were destroyed.
According to Kanonier Musch only one 7/1 was left by starting the brake out.

Best wishes,


Bart Wolfgang

Bart Wolfgang
Forum Staff

andernac wrote:Hello,
As far as I know the SS-PzArtRgt 12 had two Flakzüge (each with two SdKfz 7/1).
Zugführer I.Zug: Ustuf. Max Anger (promotion date 30.01.1944)
Zugführer II.Zug: Hscha. Schulz
SS-PzArtRgt 12 had got three more 2cm Flak 38 on 07.08.1944.
After the 20.08.1944, the brake out of the Falaise pocket, all SdKfz 7/1 were destroyed.
According to Kanonier Musch only one 7/1 was left by starting the brake out.

Best wishes,


Beautiful information, thanks Andernach!

Bart Wolfgang

Bart Wolfgang
Forum Staff

andernac wrote:Hello,
As far as I know the SS-PzArtRgt 12 had two Flakzüge (each with two SdKfz 7/1).
Zugführer I.Zug: Ustuf. Max Anger (promotion date 30.01.1944)
Zugführer II.Zug: Hscha. Schulz
SS-PzArtRgt 12 had got three more 2cm Flak 38 on 07.08.1944.
After the 20.08.1944, the brake out of the Falaise pocket, all SdKfz 7/1 were destroyed.
According to Kanonier Musch only one 7/1 was left by starting the brake out.

Best wishes,

1.) Were the Flakzüge incooperated into the Stabsbatterie?

2.) Are you referring to K. Musch, later transferred to the 17 GvB?


BART wrote:
andernac wrote:Hello,
As far as I know the SS-PzArtRgt 12 had two Flakzüge (each with two SdKfz 7/1).
Zugführer I.Zug: Ustuf. Max Anger (promotion date 30.01.1944)
Zugführer II.Zug: Hscha. Schulz
SS-PzArtRgt 12 had got three more 2cm Flak 38 on 07.08.1944.
After the 20.08.1944, the brake out of the Falaise pocket, all SdKfz 7/1 were destroyed.
According to Kanonier Musch only one 7/1 was left by starting the brake out.

Best wishes,

1.) Were the Flakzüge incooperated into the Stabsbatterie?

2.) Are you referring to K. Musch, later transferred to the 17 GvB?

1.) I think so. The FlakZg (in whole) has had the Feldpostnummer 59611B, the Stabsbatterie 59611.

2.) Yes, November 1944 zur 3./SS-FlakAbt 17 „G.v.B. versetzt.

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